I love to inspire and spark people with light painting.
I mostly paint people.
Sometimes individuals,
sometimes thousands,
sometimes underwater.
Current project: #FFBleuchtet and #MünchenWirdSichtbar (for solidarity in the Corona pandemic and against corona “Spaziergänge”).
I like to do photo-art and to paint with light.
Light has always been an important topic in my photography. I started with light painting some years ago and I really like to explore what I can do with this art form.
While it is fun to do abstract figures like orbs and UFOs and so on, I prefer to work with people. Most of my light paintings involve people in one way or the other. I like interaction, especially with newbies who don’t know about light painting yet and therefore often have really fresh ideas. It is always exciting to see people experience the magic of light painting for the first time.
Getting to know light painting astonishes people. It often sets a creative spark in them and is a lot of fun. Spreading the word of light painting is my little humble way to make the world a slightly better place. Just seeing how the people react, they love it. It is amazing to stand in front of a huge crowd all waving lights.
But probably most important is that it fits in my own way of doing art. I like to bring people into situations where they have a feeling they never experienced before or do things they never thought of beforehand. Maybe you could say that I like to manipulate people through art to discover new things and grow. Some will criticize events like this and question its artistic value. Instead of few doing professional light painting in a very planned and high-quality way, it is many fresh minds trying it out without previous preconception of it. It is something unique which I think you can’t judge with usual quality standards which you apply to other light paintings. For me it is an art nevertheless – or you could say it is an art especially because of that difference.
Together with Bernhard Rauscher aka Lumenman I do Lightpainting on events under the name “A Light To Remember“.
I love water. I am an apnea diver. So I took light painting underwater. On one breath. To play with light and water.
I am a public speaker using light painting to make my point and to engage the audience while doing so. My presentations are about the “chances and pitfalls of digitalization”, the “art to deal with strokes of fate” (I survived cancer) and “new forms to inspire and move people with art”.
With Terry Swartzberg from “Stolpersteine” I used light painting to commemorate Holocaust victims in Munich.
I am very involved with education, I love the sparkle in the eyes of young people. Since 2013 I have been working at the JFF – Institute for Media Research and Media Education in Munich/Germany. I have a history of game design and owned a computer games company before selling it in 2008. Since then I have focused on media education but I am still involved with serious game design. I am a Sociologist with a research background.
Find further information in my (mostly) German blog on media education, serious game design, and appmusic.

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