Ulrich Tausend-Benjamin David cc by-nc-sa
We are sending a shining symbol – vote Europe.
Unite & Shine

For a democratic, peaceful, sustainable and solidary Europe without nationalism and racism.
On 18.5.2019 – we are sending a shining signal against hatred, racism and anti-Semitism and for democracy, freedom and human rights in Europe.
It’s started in Munich. A populist movement behind a “strong man” in complicated times. Today we know what grew out of it: The brutal contempt for humanity, the horror of the Holocaust, of National Socialism, which brought death and despair to millions of people.
It is starting in Munich again. But this time – in contrast to the Nazi terror – something wonderful!
A movement for our Europe that takes pleasure in diversity and progress and stands against exclusion and agitation.
On 18.5.2019 – the night before the #DIEVIELEN und #1EuropaFürAlle Demonstrations and only some days before the first polling stations for the European elections 2019 open – our city will launch an appeal to all Europeans: For the joys of being with each other. For each other. For diversity in Europe. An appeal for solidarity with the oppressed worldwide, with our planet and for the highest possible turnout to stand up to the extreme right.

On 18.5.2019 at 21:00 at the Kulturstrand we will shine bright. And we call on you to do something similar in your city. To send a strong collective sign of light to the citizens of Europe.
On 16.5.2019 we want to see many creative, strong, courageous signs of light for the European spirit, democracy, openness, peace, human rights, freedom, solidarity, cohesion, humanity, freedom of the press and opinion and climate protection and a cosmopolitan, diverse Europe – and against fear, anger, hatred, war and fascism.
Yes, the strengthening right-wing extremism and the resurgence of fascist ideas in the world are worrying us. But we have great courage and determination. We will defend our Europe and our democracy with everything we have. That is the responsibility that we as Munich feel today with our special history. That is the appeal that we, here, now send to all Europeans.
You want to organize something but need ideas? On 5.11.2018 we did the #wehretdenanfängen (German for “beware the beginnings”) Demonstration where 5000 participants created the most massive Light Painting of all time. And on 18.5.2019 we will do it again. Contact us, to help you with a similar event or brainstorm for something unique.
Ihr(e)/ Euer(e) Benjamin David & Ulrich Tausend & Ulrike Bührlen
Isarlust e.V. & die urbanauten & 1000lights
Sergey B. Churkin | Light Painting World Alliance | www.lpwa.pro
I fully agree with the goals of this idea #light4europe. Our art form is strictly related to the best human qualities – friendship, mutual assistance, desire for beauty and awareness of the value of life. People’s diplomacy can and should make this world more stable and successful. Put the light into people’s life, show them the power of love and kindness, dispel darkness. Let make it together for International Day of Light and International Light Painting Day!
Terry Swartzberg | Stolpersteine für München e.V.
Bernhard Goodwin | SPD
Andrea Betz, Bernd Schreyer | Sozialpolitisches Forum München e.V.
Birgit Mele | Pulse of Europe München
Sergey B. Churkin | Light Painting World Alliance
Andreas Weinek & Harry Blank | BlankWeinek | Band
Walter Kuhn | Künster der Mohnblumenaktion am Königsplatz “niewieder”
Sabine Kirstein | Rosa Delfin
Helmut Gottschling | Pfarrer St. Lukas
Thorsten Kellermann | Bund Naturschutz KG München
Die Omas gegen Rechts
On 5.11.2019 we shined bright at #wehretdenanfängen at Maxmonmument. This is how it looked like: