The world record – full video
The world record – Making of:
Inside View:

Presentation of the picture (you can see me at 12:30 filming for the making of 🙂 ).
#rp15lights was the trending tag on Twitter in Germany:
In the media:
- re:publica 2015: Zum Schluss noch ein Weltrekord by David Ohrndorf
- Ulrich Tausend a.k.a. 1000Lights Record Breaking Light Painting! by Jason D. Page
Before the event
At the re:publica during the closing event (18:30, Stage 1) we will try to set the “light painting world record”. Be part of it!
What will we do?
Together we will create the light painting photograph with the most participants ever. A light painting is a long exposure photograph (e.g. 10 seconds or more) in which you “paint” with lights. More on light paintings in german or english.
How does it work?
When we ask you to – please turn on all kinds of lights. The flashlight function of your smartphone does a good job. But all other reasonably bright lights like Flashlights, bicycle lights or lighters do a good job as well. If you have one, use a fancy or colored light, as the photo will look more interesting with not only white smartphone lights.
When you are ready, we will turn of the lights in the hall and do a 10 second photo. During that these 10 seconds you are “painting” your drawing with your light, as you would on a normal canvas.
I want to draw something fancy!
Do it! Instead of just moving around your light we reccomend you to try out to draw or to write something. Hearts, Hashtags … we are wondering with what you come up with. Be creative!
How will it look like?
Video (in german language) of the light painting world record at the “Kids Photo Award Ceremony” on 10.7.2015 in Munich.
Some examples from other events.
[pp_gallery gallery_id=”1011″]
Anything more?
Share/tweet the event/photo as you like. Please add the tag #rp15lights.
And if you enjoy this kind of stuff check out my facebook page.
Note: It was practically impossible to organize everything for official recognition by Guinness before the event. And afterwards they told me that they have no category for it. Therefore it is a world record not sanctioned by the brewery offshoot.
Thank You
to all the people who helped to make this possible.
- The JFF – Institute for Media Research and Media Education which is just great and let’s me organize/participate in all kinds of events including the “Kids Photo Award” or the “mobile clip festival“.
- The re:publica (especially Jonny and Tanja Haeusler) for trusting me with this.
- Foto Meyer, who were a great help with their good and fast service.
- and all the others including: Sandra Mende, Axel Öland, Kathrin Demmler, Katrin Voll, Kerstin Heinemann, Thomas Kupser, Maximilian Vilser, Martha Golombek, Julia Mohnicke, Michaela Binner, Janina Janka, Servus.tv, Lichtfaktor, Lumenman, Museum Villa Stuck, Medienfachberatung Oberbayern (Bezirksjugendring Oberbayern), Green City, Bitbanger, Lightpaintingbrushes, Lilian Kura and all the others I forgot to mention.