Munich is colorful!
From the former capital of the NAZI movement we sent a bright symbol for democracy, freedom and human rights into the world.
After the Bavarian state elections a spontaneous alliance of more than 40 organizations had formed. Under the hashtag #wehretdenanfängen roughly 5000 people demonstrated “for democracy, freedom, peace and human rights in a united Europe – and against right-wing extremism”. The occasion was the constituent session of the new Bavarian State Parliament 05.11.2018, in which right-wing extremists moved in for the first time since 1970 and only seven months before the European election 2019.
I was honored by being able to facilitate an audience of roughly 5000 people painting with lights. It was presumingly the audience light painting with most participants ever (more than double than during the rp15 world record).
Photos for download in high resolution. Only share with the correct attribution which is for the above and most other photos: “Lightpainting photo by Ulrich Tausend (1000lights.de) Concept Die Urbanauten – cc by-nc-sa”.
cc by-nc-sa means that you are allowed to remix and share the work on an noncommercial basis as long as you attribute correctly and distribute your contribution under the same license as the original. If you want to use the photos in another way, please contact me and we can talk. And I am always interested in how the photos are used. So you make me happy if you notify me that they ended up somewhere.
Others photos are by Rainer Viertlböck (and the Urbanauten and me), Julia Riechers or Andreas Tichon and have a normal copyright.
Share if you care
The photos on Twitter (1/2/3), Instagram (1,2,3) and Facebook (1/2/3) for easy sharing and self-tagging.
Making Of Video
I documented the preparations and follow up on my Instagram story. Watch the highlight.
Shorter 0:41 version without Text: https://youtu.be/S_VtjvS-vhk
Longer 2:04 version mit Text: https://youtu.be/TsnZMfBGEFo
Organizing a protest like this is quite expensive. If you want to support please consider donating to Isarlust e.V. as explained here.
In the Press
Find the official press releases on isarlust.org.
Selected articles in the Media:
- “Eine Lichterkette gegen die AfD” SZ
- “Tausende demonstrieren in München gegen AfD-Einzug in Landtag” BR
- “Tausende bei Anti-AfD-Kundgebung in München” SZ
- “Lichtkunst, Auftritte und Reden, Demo #WehretdenAnfängen: Spektakuläres Bild” AZ
- “Tausende demonstrieren in München” TAZ
- “Die besten Plakate der #WehretDenAnfängen-Demonstration in München” jetzt.de (SZ)
Thank You!
I want to thank so many people who made #wehretdenanfang possible:
- Of course Benjamin David and Die Urbanauten (especially Ulrike Bührlen and her son who froze so much while we were talking to the KVR).
- Peter Probst (Lichterkette e.V., Munich).
- Alex Anton for the technology.
- All co-organizers and artists (especially the “Künstler mit Herz“).
- The KVR of Munich and the Munich Police force.
- Alessandro Podo (at the pixelstick).
- the dokumentation team (Julia Riechers, Julian, Alexander Hirl, Niklas Ludwig).
- Maximilian Fank, who managed the projector.
- Jochen Lebbing, who came all the way from Berlin.
- Katrin Fleischmann, who had to endure an Uli on fire for more than a week.
- Angelika Beranek and her friend, who lit up the Maxmonument with flashlights.
- Sebastian Ring, Kathrin Demmler, Günther Anfang, Linus Einsiedler and the JFF, which checked out the PIXEL and provided a lot of technology.
- Olympus for Live Composite, which means I can do long exposures which do not overexpose and which give a live view over HDMI, so I can show the people directly what they are drawing while they draw.
1. all the others that I have forgotten, and
2. all who took part!
Because of you #münchenleuchtet was possible!
wehretdenanfängen Nr.2: #Lights4Europe
We shine bright again. This time for Europe. 🇪🇺
Come to the wehretdenanfängen Nr.2 #Lights4Europe on 16.5.2019 (the International UNESCO Day Of Light!) at the Kulturstrand 21:00-22:30.